
Score the message based on the built-in model.

Parameters:msg – Message to be scored in string format.

Decide whether the message is a spam or not based on the built-in model.

Parameters:msg – Message to be classified in string format.


class antispam.Model(file_path=None, create_new=False)[source]

Save & Load the model in/from the file system using Python’s json module.

Constructs a Model object by the indicated file_path, if the file does not exist, create a new file and contruct a empty model.

  • file_path – (optional) Path for the model file indicated, if path is not indicated, use the built-in model file provided by the author, which is located in the antispam package folder.
  • create_new – (option) Boolean. If True, create an empty model. file_path will be used when saving the model. If there is an existing model file on the path, the existing model file will be overwritten.

Load the serialized file from the specified file_path, and return spam_count_total, ham_count_total and token_table.

Parameters:file_path – (optional) Path for the model file. If the path does not exist, create a new one.

Serialize the model using Python’s json module, and save the serialized modle as a file which is indicated by self.file_path.


class antispam.Detector(path=None, create_new=False)[source]

A baysian spam filter

Parameters:path – (optional) Path for the model file, will be passes to Model and construct a Model object based on path.
train(msg, is_spam)[source]

Train the model.

  • msg – Message in string format.
  • is_spam – Boolean. If True, train the message as a spam, if False, train the message as a ham.

Calculate and return the spam score of a msg. The higher the score, the stronger the liklihood that the msg is a spam is.

Parameters:msg – Message in string format.

Save self.model based on self.model.file_path.